AAWP Plugin Review 2023: Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin

Published by
Kunal Gupta
AAWP Plugin Review 2023
  • Features
  • Ease of Use
  • Design
  • Support
  • Price


AAWP (Amazon-affiliated WordPress) plugins help us to extract information about Amazon products to the WordPress website. One can earn revenue by using the attached or affiliated links, which are created by associated programs.


  • Easy and efficient
  • Focus on Conversions
  • Automated Data Retrieval
  • Consistency in Performance
  • Allows Targeting International Viewers
  • Comparison Table
  • Good Support


  • No Search Feature

If someone is planning to pursue a career in affiliate marketing or just wants to start a career as a freelancer to generate extra income. Finding the best solutions is a great task. Regarding this, the AAWP plugin detailed review will help you to find the best solutions to your problems. In this particular AAWP plugin review, we will cover all the major points like advantages, drawbacks, features, pricing, and many other points about the AAWP WordPress plugin.

AAWP: The Flexible WordPress Plugin

AAWP wordpress plugin

AAWP (Amazon-affiliated WordPress) plugins help us to extract information about Amazon products to the WordPress website. One can earn revenue by using the attached or affiliated links, which are created by associated programs.

These links are generated actively to get all the information up to date. All the relevant information available on the website like the pricing, illustration, and pictures about the products are available. Thus, it does not provide any irrelevant information about the topic.

Amazon-affiliated WordPress provides a flexible environment to create a simple link that contains information about product pricing and information about the product and it also includes the lists of best sellers and comparison table.

The user can place their products using the methods like shortcodes or widgets. There are different options like HTML and CSS available where one can easily customize the plugin based on their requirements.

Read More: WP Event Manager Review 2023

AAWP Plugin Features

AAWP has several features which are discussed below:

  • Amazon partner networks: It supports Amazon PartnerNet for the US, Canada, EU, Japan, , India and Brazil. And the countries can be selected and can be supported by plugin settings.
  • Tracking ID: In different types of A&B testing the tracking ID is used. These IDs are sent to the plugin settings which help to generate all affiliated links that help in the shortcode generation.
  • Automated data retrieval: The product-related information like name, pricing, and description. Can be recovered automatically by AAWP. It also provides an option for users that how often the data about the product can be updated. Hence no manual work is required for the updation of data for the product.
  • Caching: Caching feature provided by the amazon affiliated word press help to reduce the loading time. This is also one of the key features provided by the plugin’s settings.
  • Price information: It is a private policy, which is displayed according to the terms and conditions of the amazon associates. With an affiliated Plugin one can update the pricing of the items automatically with the date and time.
  • Test links: Test links of the products can be mentioned in the content. that help in getting a detailed description of the product. They also provide a space to mention the name of the product manually.
  • Product boxes: If someone wants concise and specific amazon product information to be displayed in a single post? So one can do this with the help of the shortcode. In one shortcode more than one appealing product box can be displayed. With all the relevant information about the product.
  • Bestsellers lists: With the best sellers’ lists, you can get strong and relevant selling reasons to showcase t and attract visitors to buy your products. One can also use good keywords for example Top 10 or Top 5 bestsellers products. to gain customers.
  • New release lists: To gain more customers like a bestseller list we have new release lists.  Through this one can improve the rankings of the products. That ultimately attracts the visitor to your products.
  • Fields: Fields help in posting information about the product anywhere on the post or a page. It can also be directly inserted into the template files.
  • Widgets: Widgets assist when you want to combine the product with the sidebar.
  • Different styles: From the beginning, various kinds of styles are available. Like standard light and dark.
  • Titles: Based on your requirements you can either limit the characters or extend the characters. for example, one can add the (*) asterisks and attach affiliated links.
  • Descriptions: The amazon API provides bullet points to describe the information about the product. One can extend or limit the characters based on your choice like Titles. Including this one can also write the description of the products using HTML formatting.
  • Reviews: The reviews and star ratings given by the customers on the products can be enabled or disabled by the plugin settings.
  • Price: The plugin’s settings and the pricing of the products can be displayed or can be hidden.
  • Amazon prime services: Amazon prime services are provided by the AAWP. the amazon prime icon is displayed beside the selling price. The seller can get the commission through amazon prime. But based on your choice you can also disable it through the plugin settings.
  • Buy now &detail buttons: The buy now & detail buttons are available based on your requirement one can customize them. The detail button contains information about the products including reviews and internal and external links or URLs.
  • PHP Templating: The PHP templating function is to display the products in a completely different way. And still, you have the access to the other features.  According to the needs, one can use these key features.

AAWP offers several other necessary tools

Besides the above key features, the AAWP offers several other necessary tools. That can help the user to customize the product post in such a manner that it can gain most of the customers and improve their ratings.

Amazon-affiliated WordPress (AAWP) necessary tools are discussed below in the form of a table:-

AAWP ToolsDescription
Click TrackingEvery racing is already present in the system.  One can use it through the plugin settings.
Amazon FlaggingAmazon Flagging tool is provided by Amazon prime. It helps in earning some amount of revenue.

AAWP Pricing Plans

AAWP has different types of pricing plans. You might select the pricing plan of AAWP based upon the number of affiliated sites. Below is the basic table that highlights the pricing plans for the affiliated websites.

Package NameNo of websitesPackage Price
Personal Plan1€49
Plus plan3€129
Pro plan10€249
Ultimate plan25€399

Install AAWP Plugin

Basic and the most important requirement that every affiliated marketer should know is the installation of the Amazon Application programming interface. Without it, the recovery of plugin data is not possible.

Most of the web hosts will meet the technical requirements which are listed below:-

  • PHP 5.3
  • MySQL 5.0.3
  • WordPress 3.4

The newer or updated versions of these technical applications are also available.

Here are the installation steps for the AAWP plugin:

  1. Install the plugin and activate it, after that go to the plugin settings page.
  2. Enter the license key. you can get the license key from the welcome email.
  3. Now you have to connect with the  API  interface. If you don’t have this interface. you can install it from the amazon website. To create the API keys .you will need to sign up for the account.
  4. In the amazon sign account, you have to fill the all the required data.
  5. After the account gets connected, then visit the general option you will see different types of options shown on the websites.
  6. Enable SSL support and AML support. make the required changes. like, updating the date and time according to the format available. You can disable this feature.
  7. Now you can finally see the disclaimer area that provides the information about the affiliated link . based upon your will you can either enable or disable it. The visitors can access these affiliate links.
  8. The output option provides a preview of the website. and the user can configure all the options that are available on the website.
  9. If the user wishes to showcase the amazon icon beside its product. then he/ she can choose it based on their need.
  10. Based upon the requirements the user can do specific changes to make their product more attractive and gain the interest of the visitors or customers who visit the website.

How to get API from Amazon

To get the API from Amazon. You have to follow a certain procedure that is discussed below in the key points:-

  • Enter the required details and click on login at amazon developer console account.
  • Then click on the application option. you give access to API  from Amazon.

AAWP Help and Support

  • The AAWP team has provided a good explanation of the tools and key features of the plugin through various videos and manuals.
  • If someone finds an issue related to AAWP then he can directly chat with the support team.
  • It also provides a guide where you can receive tips when you are facing some kind of issues.
  • Overall it provides all the solutions to the problems that users can face while using the AAWP.

One impressive aspect of AAWP is that the team has gone the extra mile to provide detailed tutorials and documentation. Users can find in-guides on how to set up the software and other resources to help you make most of its features.

Customer support is also available through live chat, a contact form, or email. They have also built an engaging forum where you can receive tips on any problems you come across while using the product.

AAWP WordPress Plugin Advantages

There are various kinds of affiliated WordPress plugins available in the affiliate market. but the Amazon-affiliated WordPress plugin is most commonly preferred over other affiliated WordPress plugins.

The advantages of using AAWP  are:-

  • Easy and efficient: The AAWP is designed in such a manner that both fresher and experienced individuals can use it efficiently, Little coding is required. through the help of a shortcode, the user can easily enter the important details. These shortcodes are easy to understand. The affiliated links about the products can be inserted automatically. There is no manual work is required.
  • Focus on Conversions: Every feature of AAWP is optimized for conversions. Based on your needs one can customize the posts or page. that help in gaining customers and expanding your business. If you want speedy access to your websites then you have to connect it with the AMP.
  • Automated Data Retrieval: The most important feature provided by AAWP is automated data retrieval. It helps to restore data and ask the user the number of time data is to be updated. So if you are affiliated with certain links you do not have to update the changes like pricing details date and time daily. Rather it is automatically done by amazon. This help saves time.
  • Consistency in Performance: Amazon-affiliated WordPress Plugin is a “glitch-free plugin”. It has been found that the users faced no issues while using this software. There is only a few cases are observed. that has asked for customer service. If someone faces any kind of issues while using this software then one can see the tips given in the guide or can directly contact the support team. So, AAWP provides a user-friendly interface and gives a consistent performance.
  • Allows Targeting International Viewers: Amazon plugin gives a platform for users to scale up their affiliate market business globally without any kind of hassle.
  • Comparison Table: If someone wants to observe the inverse in the sale. the comparison table list is provided by the plugin. Through this, you can easily analyze the sales of your product in a week or a month. and can plan their strategy to increase sales by getting more customers.

The comparison table consists of the key feature provided by AAWP.

AAWP WordPress Plugin Drawbacks

Apart from several advantages the Amazon-affiliated WordPress plugin few drawbacks. That are discussed below in the key points:-

  • User interface can be improved: Many newly affiliated market beginners might feel difficulty while working on this plugin software.  Few amount of time are required to understand all features and tools of AAWP. and utilize all the necessary features to make the product website attractive.
  • No option to do searches: Another drawback found in the Amazon-affiliated WordPress plugin is the absence of a search bar. the user cannot directly view other amazon products through the plugin. rather they have a login to the amazon website to navigate the other products provided by amazon.

    They provide an option to create a list like a bestseller list or a new release list. but if you are want to see any other lists that similar to the search bar you have again to log in to the amazon website.
  • AAWP Price: Although a good environment and serval tools and features like tracking id, caching, templates lists and support services are provided by the amazon plugin software. but the pricing of this software is quite high in the terms of validity it provides.

Should you Buy AAWP?

After listing the advantages and drawbacks of the AAWP. here the most common question arises that weather you have to buy the amazon affiliated WordPress plugin software or not.

The straightforward answer to that is yes, if you are looking for good plugin software and want to gain a tremendously in the business then you should buy this software.

According to reports many affiliate marketing companies have used this software for their professional website. It is the world’s first plugin software that has gained a large number of users all across the globe.

It is easy and efficient to handle. The beginner might take time to understand all of its features. But once they understand all the keys and tools then they can utilize most of it for building perfect page for their products.

Conclusion about AAWP Plugin Review 2023

We hope that through this article you have found the answers to all the related queries that are coming to your mind. The interface provided by this software is quite good al the tools and features works smoothly. there is no extra loading time required. Based on the user will they can customize the affiliated websites of their products.

Apart from it has helped many users to generate extra income from their professional websites by using plugin software. Mostly during festivals, more offers are available so it helps to gain extra income during such occasions.

There are some of the common questions asked by people regarding the amazon affiliated software plugin software. That is answered as follows:-

FAQs About AAWP Plugin Review 2023

1. How long does AAWP cache last?

The cache plays a crucial role to determine the performance of your website.  Sometimes you can find even the least searched website can dominate your website.
So, if you are an affiliated marketer that is one of the most important things that you must look upon.
The loading time of your website can work smoothly by the cache. 
There are different caches available on the websites like  WP rocket, WP fastest cache, Lifetime speed cache, Hummingbird,  WP super cache, etc. That help to improve the loading time for the websites.

2. What is the best WordPress customer review plugin?

Before knowing about the best work press customer reviews plugin one must look up the essential requirement that every good WordPress plugin have that are:
There should be a review box that should be mentioned below on your product post. Where all the suggestions could be seen clearly.
State the “ Rich snippets” that improve the rankings of your websites.
So based on the above points there are some of the best customer review plugins are available:-
WP review pro:- This is one the most commonly used plugin that supports fourteen types of rich snippets that are connected to various subjects like paintings, books, and film.
Woo commerce:-  The website can work without it but if we used this plugin it helps to build up a strong connection between the website and customers. It does not charge any money.
Taqueem:-  It charges some amount of money. But it provides strong features by which one’s website can come among the top ranks.
There are many other WordPress also available.  Based on your choice you can use any of these plugins to improve your rankings.  Without these plugins, your website can go down in rankings and the user can observe huge losses in the business. So it is one of the most powerful applications. That one must use while building up a website for your product.

3. How to use the AAWP  plugin?

After the installation of the software and getting aware of all the tools and key features.  You can start using the AAWP plugin to create your website.
For that, you should first create a comparison table that has data regarding all kinds of sales and pricing, and beneath it, one can also buy the buy now option.
Then add the amazon product option for this you have to use a few shortcodes and customize accordingly.
In the description, the box adds the affiliated links that the customers may view along with the review box and star rating options.
Click on the suggestions or tips option if you got stuck somewhere while making some changes. Other shortcodes can also be used based on the needs of the user.

4. How does easy affiliate work?

Affiliate marketing provides a space for the individual to refer to the articles or content about the products and earn some kind of revenue in exchange for that.
When any customers visit the website and see your reviews or recommendations regarding any product and purchase it with an affiliated link . then a few commissions are generated through it. this is how the affiliate marketing works.
The amazon affiliated word press plugin software is an easy and efficient atmosphere to work in.  through this software and connection to the associated programs, an individual can get a huge amount of benefit in their business.

More Resources:

> Cannibalization: How to Identify & Fix Keyword Cannibalization to Boost SEO
> What is breadcrumb navigation for SEO?
> Mobile SEO Mistakes
How do we improve page speed- The Complete Guide
SEO Myths about website optimization

My Response is on my own site
Image Sharing Sites

Profile Submission Sites
Edu Sites for Backlinks

Ping Submission Sites

AAWP Plugin Review 2023
  • Features
  • Ease of Use
  • Design
  • Support
  • Price


AAWP (Amazon-affiliated WordPress) plugins help us to extract information about Amazon products to the WordPress website. One can earn revenue by using the attached or affiliated links, which are created by associated programs.


  • Easy and efficient
  • Focus on Conversions
  • Automated Data Retrieval
  • Consistency in Performance
  • Allows Targeting International Viewers
  • Comparison Table
  • Good Support


  • No Search Feature

This post was last modified on July 11, 2024

Kunal Gupta

Kunal Gupta is a content writer at eBLOGTALK. He can give a fresh and new angle to the content using different writing styles and formats, like Blogs, Web stories, fiction, non-fiction and more which is well received by the audience. His 2-year experience to research content and understand the target audience using different tones and voices ensures that the writing is engaging, and holds the reader's attention.

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