WhatsApp group: WhatsApp is the most used social media platform among users. WhatsApp has a feature where unknown people can’t add you to that group without your consent. It is a way to connect with loved ones through groups. But sometimes, many other unknown people use this feature to sell products and promote services. They have not even asked permission to add to the group. Most of us don’t want to be the part of unnecessary groups and want to escape this.
WhatsApp has updated its group settings to secure privacy. Now, unknown people can’t be add you to the unnecessary group without your permission. By default, it is set to “Everyone”, meaning there is no need for permission to add to the group. The change in setting can secure your privacy, but admins can still ask you to join the group. In this case, you need permission whether you are interested in joining the group.
1. Click on the three dots.
2. Click on the settings
3. Click on the Account
4. Click on the privacy
5. Click on the groups
6. At last, click on DONE
Value your privacy, select any of the first two options and enjoy your life free from shitty WhatsApp groups.
Change admin privileges and only the group admins can add new people to a WhatsApp group.
Click on Settings > Account > Privacy. Now click on Groups and choose one of the given options: Everyone, My Contacts, and My Contacts Except.
This post was last modified on July 11, 2024
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